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3. Opšte teme > Kafana, pivnica, kafic > Chat bez cenzure ... Inspirativne misli

������� : ������ 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 . . . 44 ������

��������: 427

22. ��� 2012. 00:57:59
Chat bez cenzure ... Inspirativne misli

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...

��������: 43

23. ��� 2012. 01:02:37

6 users in 3 rooms.

Ljubavni (5)
Seks (1)
English (0)

`oæe prasica da je neko oplodi u sex sobi

MDNA #31

��������: 427

23. ��� 2012. 01:16:06

... jednim nickom pišeš na forumu, dok si drugim nickovima na chatu što muškim, što ženskim

... okisha me je banovala, doduše ne zasluženo

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #32

��������: 427

23. ��� 2012. 13:48:07

[prof_Milutin] 12:42 pm: celebri..dobra ti slika..jos da je tvoja
[prof_Milutin] 12:46 pm: tracara i ona pumpi od iste maloletnice kradu slike

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #33

��������: 427

23. ��� 2012. 14:12:50

[koksi711] 1:11 pm: trk bre kod kineza stigla sveza roba , zaebi chat.....


... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
Tweetily #34

��������: 2586

23. ��� 2012. 14:37:51

... okisha me je banovala, doduše ne zasluženo

E ovako MDNA... sad budi ljubazna pa kopiraj svoju besedu od sinoæ o pravopisima i reèenicama i zakljuèku kako je malo onih koji znaju pisati... "zasluga" i "nezasluga" ne spadaju u glagole.

ŠTIP - šuti, trpi i pati (èuvena kasarna u doba JNA)

"Ko igra za raju i zanemaruje taktiku završit æe karijeru u nižerazrednom Vratniku" - dr Karajliæ
MDNA #35

��������: 427

23. ��� 2012. 15:57:28

[Tweetily] 10:55 pm: to je taèno da pišem i suvišne reèi, reèenice...

[DANILOVIC] 1:32 am: ovo je težak sluèaj i za ludnicu u Èurugu

[Tweetily] 1:25 am: u biti blog je neèije razglabanje, na šta drugi ostavljaju komentare
[Tweetily] 1:26 am: s obzirom da si ti višestruka liènost, nije iskljuèeno da si sam sebi ostavio komentar u
vidu plavušice
[DANILOVIC] 1:26 am: u biti ti nemaš pojma bem te šuntavog

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #36

��������: 427

23. ��� 2012. 16:02:22

[prof_Milutin] 2:57 pm: milgore..ova majjce trazi zenu..eto ti prilike
[prof_Milutin] 2:59 pm: milgore..dok ti vodis racuna da li drugi rade majjce startovala radu

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #37

��������: 427

23. ��� 2012. 16:14:52

[prof_Milutin] 3:12 pm: a celebri stavila 168 i 66 kg..tu se bas zaebala

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #38

��������: 427

23. ��� 2012. 16:25:55

[alexandra_] 3:21 pm: profesore, mogu li da te zamolim nesto?
[prof_Milutin] 3:22 pm: aleksandra..da si 30 godina mladja mogla bi mnogo toga da me zamolis

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #39

��������: 427

24. ��� 2012. 15:35:58

[Tweetily] 2:14 pm: gromcice tragedija je što si uopšte sa darkiæem i bila na pvt-u
[Tweetily] 2:14 pm: ali na greškama se uèi
[Tweetily] 2:14 pm: sad ne ispuštaj Koksija

[Tweetily] 2:25 pm: joj bre jado, pa ti nisi video ni ženu dok vrši nuždu... ni to ne znaš kako izgleda
[prof_Milutin] 2:28 pm: tviti..je li se vise palis na malu ili veliku

[prof_Milutin] 2:30 pm: tvitli..idi se zavuci u neki javni wc i viri ko mish..budalo perverzna
[Tweetily] 2:30 pm: jaoj profo... pa ti sediš po ceo dan u javnom wc-u u nadi da æeš videti neku jebaèinu...
[Tweetily] 2:30 pm: imaš po javnim kuæama da platiš gledanje
[prof_Milutin] 2:31 pm: eto..sad zna da u javnom ima i ebacina

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #40

��������: 427

24. ��� 2012. 15:39:01

[diskretanBL] 2:35 pm: milutine, svi mi zajedno nismo tebi ni do koljena

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #41

��������: 427

24. ��� 2012. 15:40:19

[diskretanBL] 2:38 pm: koksi711, ajd karaj ga i na uvo mu sapni da imas aids

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #42

��������: 427

24. ��� 2012. 15:47:05

[prof_Milutin] 2:46 pm: a njih troje jesu cirkus..ko druzina pera kvrzice

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
MDNA #43

��������: 427

24. ��� 2012. 15:47:39

[Tweetily] 2:47 pm: smoto.... delo se zove Družba Pere Kvržice

... Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed ... Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them ...
������� : ������ 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 . . . 44 ������

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