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Activity board
[���� �������]   [����� �����] ���� ������� ���
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��� �������� fadhilco
��� ����� fadhil
����� ������� 15. ��� 1965.
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Orientation Heterosexual
������� �������,�������,����,������,for chat,for fun,for marriage
������ Syria
������� lattakia
����� (178��)
����� (73���)
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������ ����������, ���������, ��������, ���������, �������, ���������, �������, Russian, Ukrainian
������� engineer / telecomunications
���������� Boxing / Wrestling, Hiking / Camping, Literature / History, Martial Arts, Museums / Galleries, Music - Alternative, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Country, Music - Pop / R&B, Nature, Reading, Television / Radio, Travel / Sightseeing
�� :-V hello my friends
i would like to be your friend.
i born in baghdad in # finished my study in yugoslavia in1986
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