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3. Opšte teme > Flora i fauna > Flesh or Vegetables ?


Commenti: 47

26. Set 2008. 01:13:54
Flesh or Vegetables ?

Underrated soul, thay say
Just flesh for most of us

Shivering flesh under cold steel
Begging for help, scream is all what is left from poor soul
Scream which will eternaly echoing through universe

No shame
No regret on those diveine faces while their belly is getting full

Happy children are playing
Poor lambs are shivering

Doomed is our kind until the end of time

Looking for a strong hillbilly "man", are you there baby ?
My Cotton_man
lejla83 #2

Commenti: 322

25. Ago 2009. 10:49:17

Everything should be balanced..so when we talking about the food, it is important that we have meat, vegetables and also fruit on table..hehe
maskembal #3

Commenti: 2868

31. Ago 2009. 18:10:54
if we have a table...

...nevertheless, we can eat standing (srpski receno: s nogu :D)

ko hoce - trazi nacin, ko nece - trazi razlog
Petar29NS #4

Commenti: 825

23. Set 2009. 23:31:40

We do not need flesh 2 have balanced nutrition.

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