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Deep_Blue #1

Posts: 114

21. Sep 2008. 22:28:33
Strastvena ljubav i Uspjesan brak??

Da li po vasem misljenju strastvena ljubav moze prerasti u dugotrajni i uspjesni brak?

Can you imagine what it feels to cross an ocean?
LepaLeni #2

Posts: 11046

22. Sep 2008. 01:12:55
moze ako sam u to verujes!

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
slivco #3

Posts: 2603

22. Sep 2008. 03:08:57

Za to ne postoi definicija pa da je naucimo ..Ljubav sve moze,ona je sila koja nas tera da zivimo da se radujemo,da tugujemo,sve je to ljubav ...ako se ima poverenje i ljubav od obe strane brak ce biti jedna idila koja ce napraviti cuda od oboje ...

"svi ste vi ovde pobednici necega samo sto jos uvek to ne znate"

"if you only know how beautiful you really are
then everything would be in it’s place"
Bebe #4

Posts: 14825

22. Sep 2008. 15:22:07
Volela bih da može.....nadam se....


Prihvati svaku stresnu situaciju kao pas...Ako je ne možeš pojesti ili igrati se sa njom,jednostavno se popiški na nju.... ... ...
Deep_Blue #5

Posts: 114

23. Sep 2008. 01:30:57

Koliko puta ste vidjeli da nakon strastvene ljubavi dolazi do slomljenog srca....razvoda i tuge?

A s druge strane gdje je ljubav izrasla, procvijetala, ali nikad nije bila u tom stanju lude zaljubljenosti i strasti, potraje dugo...dugo...vremena?

Can you imagine what it feels to cross an ocean?
Bebe #6

Posts: 14825

23. Sep 2008. 14:32:05
Ma,do toga dolazi i bez stravstvene ljubavi....


Prihvati svaku stresnu situaciju kao pas...Ako je ne možeš pojesti ili igrati se sa njom,jednostavno se popiški na nju.... ... ...
Deep_Blue #7

Posts: 114

24. Sep 2008. 01:21:00

Naravno da dolazi, na zalost i precesto.

U jednom razgovoru postavilo se to pitanje i to mi je bilo zanimljivo kako neki misle da strast kratko traje i da na kraju dodje na vidjelo sve ono sto ne volimo, a sto ranije nismo htjeli priznati, a ni vidjeti da nam to ne odgovara zbog te strasti i zaljubljenosti.

I meni se desilo, ali mi se nije desilo da sam bila u vezi u kojoj nije bilo toliko ljubavi da bih dala sud da li takve veze mogu duze potrajati.

Can you imagine what it feels to cross an ocean?

Posts: 47

24. Sep 2008. 03:36:07
My answer to subject is YES !

My COTTON man left me...but I will get him back, I will
If I dont get him back what should I do, where should i go ?
What is the point of living...when you touch, when you see, when you....that real thing, that someone who is "made" for you

What is the point to give up, that would be same as giving up of living

Iam gonna get you, yes i will

If I dont get you in this life, In next one I will
my baby, miss you sooo much (I never give up, Iam not that kinda girl)

Looking for a strong hillbilly "man", are you there baby ?
My Cotton_man
Deep_Blue #9

Posts: 114

24. Sep 2008. 23:05:00

My poor Cottage friend

Your eyes are shut and don’t see the love that women around you are so keen to offer it to you.
All you see is your Cotton man that doesn’t seem to care enough about you.
Where is he now?
I did not see a word of encouragement.

You will stay blind forever if you don’t give yourself a chance.

My cottage friend

Can you imagine what it feels to cross an ocean?

Posts: 47

25. Sep 2008. 00:25:18

My deep divine blue friend, better blind than dead

Cuz dead I will be without “him” on my mind, love is blind, love is pure, love is just as you, divine
Love is stupid, love is even hate sometime, love is one way street most of the time, love is snake, love is wounded flash, love is all around us....blah blah blah....... but there is only one man for one woman….that is our pourpose on this poor world, and only some of us will be lucky

I always fight for my luck, cuz luck never found me just like that, Iam fighting for …..

Lets say we are in restaurant, and so many waiters wanna serve one “lady”, all of them wanna be with “her”, around “her”, Iam “waiter” there(just changed my clothes), serving my heart on a silver plate, all I want is that “she” take one bite, just to taste what I offer…but “she” is drunk, “she” just want other stuff….and Iam in a middle of this mob, bunch of retards waiters are so close to “her”, all I know is that I never give up…thats just not me…fist of god will stop me, some day, one day when darkness will be all around me, no sounds, no light, no touch….just floating in empty space


My deep blue frend

Looking for a strong hillbilly "man", are you there baby ?
My Cotton_man
TODOnosiRadost #11

Posts: 360

25. Sep 2008. 12:08:03

U pocetku nam je tesko izvesti da zivimo s osobom koju strastveno volimo, a kasnije nam je tesko izvesti da strastveno volimo osobu s kojom zivimo.Zasto?Zato sto je strastvena ljubav slepa,a brak otvara oci.
lena79 #12
Posts: 1

25. Sep 2008. 14:11:45

samo da se nadovezem ok za ljubav ali verujte strastven sex je kljuc uspeha za savrsen brak.

Posts: 47

26. Sep 2008. 01:35:54
Marriage? ehhh

What is rhythm of loneliness?
How this pain to share with some song, when “she” is not around
No such song, there is no masterpeace to compare with this in me

Just me and my thoughts, floating in this world of shame
Things will never be same after this pain

Why this hope is in me when everything is in vain
Tell me my friend
My bloody mate
My red child of grape

One more sip and that’s just about it
You on my dark blue lips
Taste of peace

Lets sail my mate
Lets visit cold blue depths of my dreams
There “she” is it seems

Looking for a strong hillbilly "man", are you there baby ?
My Cotton_man
veki1973 #14

Posts: 774

05. Okt 2008. 12:25:11

To nikako ne ide zajedno...biraj,ili-ili...
I Feel good...

Kada cujes ne veruj.Kada vidis posumnjaj.Kada dozivis ne zaboravi.
gas_bebice #15

Posts: 94

07. Okt 2008. 20:33:06

Možeš nekog voleti svim srcem, biti lud za nekim ceo život ali od tog ludila pucaju šavovi.

Za dobar brak potrebno je dvoje ljudi koji se pogledima razumeju, poštuju i dovoljno vole


numero_uno #16

Posts: 107

07. Okt 2008. 23:24:33

Vidi,vidi...neko toliko mlad,a tako iskusno rezonuje
Delimicno si u pravu,ali je brak ipak mnoooogo slozeniji i trazi puno odricanja,isto tako i davanja....dosta tolerancije,razumevanja,poverenja....

A strastvena ljubav...da li moze da preraste u uspesan brak?
Pa valjda da bi sa nekim i usao u brak,potrebno je da ga strastveno i bezuslovno obozavas...to je logicno.

A i ono sto kaze LENA79 je apsolutno tacno.
gas_bebice #17

Posts: 94

08. Okt 2008. 02:17:26
hvala postopiscu :)

Numero ja sam mislila da muškarci padaju na mrtve kobije
Hvala na info, ali sex i ljubav nisu bas uvek toliko povezani


numero_uno #18

Posts: 107

08. Okt 2008. 02:33:40

"mrtve kobije"??? Prevedi,molim te...

Naravno da nisu...u prvom delu komentara sam rekao da je to mnogo slozenija stvar.
A LENU79 sam podrzao,posto je to istina....shvatices jednog dana.
gas_bebice #19

Posts: 94

08. Okt 2008. 02:43:45

bez komentara


gas_bebice #20

Posts: 94

08. Okt 2008. 02:45:36
a prevod, sreæno s kobiLama



numero_uno #21

Posts: 107

08. Okt 2008. 02:45:56

numero_uno #22

Posts: 107

08. Okt 2008. 02:49:05

Pod "i bolje" ,da me ne shvatis pogresno....sam mislio,da ne udjemo u raspravu,jer to ne zelim. Kazem to,jer si ti ipak suuuvise mlada i gledas subjektivno....a stvari u realnosti stoje skroz drugacije.
okisha #23

Posts: 5447

14. Apr 2009. 16:05:56
Strastvena ljubav i Uspjesan brak??

nekad uspe, nekad ne


. "Sta ce meni tamo jedan mesec.Meni treba ovde jedna zemlja.".

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